The Oliver P. Killam Private Foundation provides scholarships to Marblehead High School graduates pursuing four-year college or university degrees. Awards are available to current MHS graduating seniors.

The scholarships will be available to recipients for the remainder of their four-year programs, providing that they are academically successful and have continued need.

Apply Below

Application Requirements

DUE DATE: April 1, 5 p.m.

In addition to filling out the digital form at the bottom of this page, here is what you’ll need to complete the application.

PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer requiring CSS profiles or income tax returns.

  1. Cover Letter

    *Express your educational goals and aspirations. How will the OPK Scholarship help you realize these goals? How will your education be used for the greater good as well as the enrichment of your own life?

  2. Transcript

  3. Resume

    *Include your employment history with dates; honors; activities; organizations; volunteer work, etc.)

  4. SAT and/or ACT scores (Optional - students self-report scores)

  5. Two Letters of Recommendation (only one required by teacher)

    *Please request your recommendations through MHS

  6. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) letter or CSS (College Scholarship Service) profile (We do NOT require both)

    *OPK CSS Profile Code: 3482

Use this file naming convention: First Name Last Name_Document Type

(ex. SallySmith_Cover Letter, SallySmith_Transcript, SallySmith_SAT_ACT, SallySmith_CSS Profile, SallySmith_Cert and Release, SallySmith_Letter of Rec, SallySmith_Income Tax Guardian, SallySmith_Fin Aid Award)